Tesco Controls, Inc. is committed to continually investing and engineering innovative ways we can help our environment and community by reducing our carbon footprint and conforming to green standards.
We are proud to do our part for the environment by doing business in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable manner. We’ve developed a “Going Green” initiative by setting standards for ourselves, our customers, and our suppliers and we will strive for customer satisfaction as well as our contribution to sustainable development by achieving high environmental quality in products, services, and corporate activities.
Recycled Materials
Our metal suppliers provide us with products that include certain amounts of recycled material. Our aluminum sheet metal and stainless steel contain some post-consumer and post-industrial recycled metal. Additionally, any scrap metal generated by TESCO’s manufacturing process is recycled.
We ensure that our office supplies are manufactured using recycled material, and our office-generated paper waste is recycled. In fact, in 2011 we recycled over 4600 pounds of office paper, saving 39 trees, 16000 gallons of water, 9440 kilowatt hours of electricity and preventing over 1300 pounds of pollution from being released into the atmosphere. We require our landscaping and janitorial companies to use environmentally friendly products at all of our offices.
Energy Conservation
As part of our continuing improvement plan, we installed energy efficient lighting in the manufacturing area. By doing this, we decreased energy consumption by the lighting load almost 25% and increased illumination by nearly 35%. Our manufacturing facility has a reflective roofing surface in order to reduce our heating and cooling costs. During the manufacturing process, we use “powder coat” paint instead of spray-on products in order to reduce Volatile Organic Compounds such as aldehydes, ketones and light hydrocarbons, preventing them from entering our air and water.
Water & Energy Conservation
TESCO employs the use of tankless water heaters and eco-efficient water faucets throughout the company to reduce standby storage of hot water and waste. TESCO also employs the use of power monitoring practices at the Sacramento, CA utility switchboard and power use for our manufacturing facility during off peak times for operating high current draw equipment.
Green Computing
Green computing refers to the design, manufacture, use, and disposal of IT related equipment such as computers, servers, monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems in an environmentally friendly manner. TESCO uses Energy Star monitors, desktops, laptops, printers, and other devices. Such devices power-down to a low power state when not in use reducing energy by 60 to 70 percent, and run cooler, lasting longer.
TESCO encourages employees to power down all computer related equipment at the end of each day to avoid power draws when equipment is not being used.
TESCO strives to save the huge amount of paper used on a daily basis and has made continuing efforts to switch to a paperless office with the use of digital records. Development of a robust database and the use of electronic records and electronic modes of communication over paper records and communication helps reduce carbon footprints significantly. TESCO has adopted a means to achieve paperless transactions such as sending electronic invoices, electronic submittal materials, issuing pay slips, internal memos, external correspondence, and maintaining non-statutory accounting records on a purely electronic basis as part of its green business strategies.
When printing is necessary TESCO includes the use of sustainable eco-friendly paper, setting printer or copier to print on both sides of the page, and printing in economy mode to use less ink.
TESCO recycles not only paper, but also cans, plastics and other recyclable products wherever possible during day to day business. Every employee has a waste bin strictly designated for recyclable materials at their desk, and each bin is emptied into a central depository at the end of each day to ensure all recyclables help to contribute to the sustainability of the environment.
Transportation is the single biggest contributor to an organization’s green footprint. TESCO takes steps where appropriate to decrease the need for travel to meetings. The use of several teleconference-capable rooms throughout TESCO’s facility, each equipped with both voice and video capabilities, helps to facilitate the flow of information without the need for traveling to attend meetings and provides many benefits such as better productivity while lowering carbon footprints.
Companies that prosper in today’s age are those that remain serious about learning and developing initiatives. TESCO incorporates awareness of sustainable business practices and other standards, along with ways to continue to reduce our carbon footprint. TESCO’s corporate culture reflects sustainable growth as a central feature, and where all dimensions of business practices reflect the approach toward sustainable growth.